Worker's Compensation
Appropriate Testing for Pharyngitis (Quality ID: 66)
Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI)
Balloon Dilation of the Eustachian Tube
Balloon Dilation (Eustachian Tube and Sinus) & Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Balloon Sinus Ostial Dilation
Balloon Sinuplasty for Treatment of Chronic
Benign Skin Lesion Removal (Excludes Actinic Keratosis, & Mohs)
Upper Eyelids & Brow Surgical Procedure
Blepharoplasty, Eyelid Surgery, & Brow Lift
(Earwax) Removal
Coblation Tonsillectomy
Cochlear Implant
Cochlear Implant Replacement
Diagnostic Laryngoscopy
Endoscopy: Nasopharyng-oscopy with Endoscope
Endoscopic Laser for Tracheobron-chial Obstructions
Ethanol Injection for Thyroid Lesions & Other Selected Indications
Excision of Malignant Skin Lesions- Trunk, Arms, or Legs
Facial Lipodystrophy Treatments (Radiesse, Sculptra)
Frenectomy or Frenotomy for Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
Diagnostic Nasal/Sinus Endoscopy, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) & Turbinectomy
Immediate Repair of Trauma to Natural Teeth
Implantable Bone-Conduction & Bone Anchored Hearing Aids
Incision & Drainage of Abscess of Skin, Subcutaneous & Accessory Structures
Intranasal Radiof-requency Ablation
Mastoidectomy Cavity Debridement
Myringotomy & Tympanostomy Tube Insertion
Nasal Surgery (Balloon Dilation & Endoscopic)
Optic Nerve Decompression Surgery
Otoplasty & External Ear Reconstruction
Orthognathic Surgery
Repair of Nasal Valve Compromise
RF Ablation of Hypertrophied Nasal Turbinates
Rhinoplasty, Vestibular Stenosis Repair & Septoplasty
Septoplasty, Turbinoplasty & Rhinoplasty
Sialolithiasis (Salivary Stones) Treatment
Sinus Surgeries
Surgeries & Procedures for the Treatment of OSA
Surgical Treatment of Snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Temporoman-dibular Joint Disorders
Thyroid Surgeries (Thyroidectomy & Lobectomy)
for Adults
With or Without Adenoidectomy
for Children
With or Without Adenoidectomy
Vocal Cord Insufficiency Treatment
15820, 15821, 15822, 15823, 67900, 67901, 67902, 67903, 67904, 67906, 67908, 67909, 67911, 67914, 67915, 67916, 67917, 67921, 67922, 67923, 67924, 67950, 69930, L8614, L8615, L8616, L8617, L8619, L8625, L8627, L8628, S2235, 21010, 21050, 21060, 21070, 21085, 21100, 21110, 21116, 21125, 21127, 21141, 21142, 21143, 21145, 21146, 21147, 21150, 21151, 21154, 21155, 21159, 21160, 21188, 21193, 21194, 21195, 21196, 21198, 21199, 21206, 21208, 21210, 21215, 21240, 21242, 21243, 21244, 21247, 29800, 29804, 69300, 69320,21685, 41512, 41530, 41599, 42140, 42145, 42299, 42950, 0424T, 0425T, 0426T, 0427T, 0428T, 0429T, 0430T, 0431T, 0432T, 0433T, 0434T, 0435T, 0436T, 0466T, 0467T, 0468T, C9727, S2080, 31295, 31296, 31297, 31298, 69705, 69706, 60210, 60212, 60220, 60225, 60240, 60252, 60254, 60260, 60270, 60271,
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