
Age-Related Osteoporosis With Current Pathological Fracture

M80-M85 Disorders of Bone Density & Structure

M80  Osteoporosis With Current Pathological Fracture


Other Osteoporosis

With Current Pathological Fracture

Osteoporosis with current pathological fracture M80- >


Use Additional

code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (M89.7-)

Type 1 Excludes

collapsed vertebra NOS (M48.5)

pathological fracture NOS (M84.4)

wedging of vertebra NOS (M48.5)

Type 2 Excludes

personal history of (healed) osteoporosis fracture (Z87.310)


osteoporosis with current fragility fracture

Clinical Information

A pathologic bone fracture due to osteoporosis. It is

generally caused by a fall from a standing height or

lower and usually involves the spine, hip, or wrist.

Breaks in bones resulting from low bone mass and

microarchitectural deterioration characteristic of osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis without current pathological fracture M81- >


Use Additional

code to identify:

major osseous defect, if applicable (M89.7-)

personal history of (healed) osteoporosis fracture, if

applicable (Z87.310)

Type 1 Excludes

osteoporosis with current pathological fracture (M80.-)

Sudeck's atrophy (M89.0)


Adult osteomalacia M83- >


Type 1 Excludes

infantile and juvenile osteomalacia (E55.0)

renal osteodystrophy (N25.0)

rickets (active) (E55.0)

rickets (active) sequelae (E64.3)

vitamin D-resistant osteomalacia (E83.3)

vitamin D-resistant rickets (active) (E83.3)



Disorder of continuity of bone M84- >


Type 2 Excludes

traumatic fracture of bone-see fracture, by site


Other disorders of bone density and structure M85- >


Type 1 Excludes

osteogenesis imperfecta (Q78.0)

osteopetrosis (Q78.2)

osteopoikilosis (Q78.8)

polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (Q78.1)


M81  Osteoporosis Without Current Pathological Fracture


Adult Osteomalacia, Unspecified

M84 Disorder of Continuity of Bone

M85 Other Disorders of Bone Density & Structure

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