B85-B89 Pediculosis, Acariasis & Other Infestations

B85 Pediculosis & Phthiriasis

B86 Scabies

Pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations B85-B89 >


Scabies B86- >


Applicable To

Sarcoptic itch

Clinical Information

A contagious cutaneous inflammation caused by the bite of

the mite sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterized by pruritic

papular eruptions and burrows and affects primarily the

axillae, elbows, wrists, and genitalia, although it can

spread to cover the entire body.

A contagious skin inflammation caused by the bite of the mite

Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by the microscopic

mite sarcoptes scabei. It is common all over the world, and it

affects people of all races and social classes. Scabies spreads

quickly in crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin

contact between people. Hospitals, child-care centers and nursing

homes are examples. Scabies can easily infect sex partners and

other household members. Sharing clothes, towels, and bedding can

also spread scabies. You cannot get scabies from a pet. Pets get a

different mite infection called mange. Symptoms are

pimple-like irritations or a rash

intense itching, especially at night

sores caused by scratching

several lotions are available to treat scabies. The infected

person's clothes, bedding and towels should be washed in hot water

and dried in a hot dryer.


Myiasis B87- >



infestation by larva of flies

Clinical Information

The invasion of living tissues of man and other mammals by

dipterous larvae.




B87 Myiasis

B88 Other Infestations

B89 Unspecified Parasitic Disease



Parasitic Disease

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